people, places and things
Stories about the people, places, and things of this world that inspire, intrigue, and frighten...

The short version for those in a hurry…
Welcome to On My Terms with Heather Sunseri. I'm a thriller writer who once wanted to be an FBI agent. Now I just want people to be kind and show a little compassion for their neighbors. I write books & tell stories about the people, places, and things that inspire, intrigue, and, quite frankly, scare me into discomfort. Those stories often end up in this Substack. Basically, “I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see and what it means.”
Welcome! You being here makes me so happy. What now?
The longer version for those who like to take deep dives…
I have no idea if this idea is going to work or not, but...
That statement is pretty much how I've begun every big change in my life. Like the time my husband and I decided to have children. Or the time I was burned completely out on my corporate job (like seriously burned to a crisp), and I decided, "Hey! I think I'll write a book... About witches with supernatural abilities in Lexington, KY." It was a book with paranormal, supernatural, urban fantasy, romantic suspense elements that went on for like 200,000 words. (For those of you who don't know, that's like an epic fantasy length of book, and I wasn't writing epic fantasy.)
The children thing pretty much worked out. The book about witches? Not so much. According to my husband, it was the worst idea, story, and writing ever. We can joke about it now that I've written and published my nineteenth book (not including the one about witches). Just for the record, I loved that book.
Anyway, you’re here! Welcome! You being here makes me so happy.
I began writing in this dark, shadowy corner of the internet so that I could collect musings about the people, places, and things that inspire, intrigue, and, quite frankly, scare me. Often times, I write about the parts of life that make me uncomfortable, and in the process, I try to learn from it. Like the time I spent two years trying to “fit in” instead of belonging. Or more recently, I tackled some thoughts on free speech, censorship, and the banning of books.
We learn most when we’re uncomfortable. Let’s get uncomfortable together.
So, what now?
And in the meantime, tell your friends! And if you want to learn even more about what this is all about, check out the about page.